Freeze. Don’t move a muscle. As you read these words, notice the placement of your head – are you leaning into the page or the screen? What about your shoulders – are you hunched over a magazine or electronicchair massage Baltimore device? Do a quick self-assessment: How does your current posture compare with ideal posture?

If you’re like most people, you tilt your head when you read or use a smartphone or other electronic device, when you’re at your desk at work, and pretty much any time you’re examining something closely. The trouble is, smartphone use has dramatically increased the frequency and duration of this activity, particularly among young people.

The human head weighs about 10-12 pounds when in a neutral position: balanced between the shoulders, chin level, and eyes gazing forward, shoulders and shoulder blades retracted. This weight – and the resulting load on the spine – increases dramatically when the head flexes forward.

The long-term consequences of a tilted-head posture are incrementally increased stresses about the cervical spine that could lead to early wear, tear, degeneration, and possibly surgery.

The obvious answer to what some are calling an “epidemic” of poor posture isn’t very practical – people aren’t going to use their phones less. Good posture matters. Pain-related to technology use is often due to poor posture and ergonomics. When you’re sitting in front of your computer with a certain posture for hours on end, your body gets used to being in that position.

Make sure you have the appropriate monitor, desk, and chair height for you. Can’t buy a new desk? Keep your head is in a neutral position with your monitor at eye-level. You want to have the height of the chair so that your feet can rest comfortably on the floor and your knees are at or just below your hips.

Sitting up straight might not come naturally at first. It requires diligence, but more importantly, practice. As with all things, active practice will help solidify proper posture as a habit. One sign you’re not doing it right: If anything in your body feels achy or uncomfortable after prolonged use, it’s your body’s way of screaming at you to change position and find a better one because it’s struggling to make your current posture work.

Bad posture is a common occurrence in office workers. Did you know that on-site massage services can help get your body back on track when it comes to having good posture? It loosens all upper back muscles which aid in pain-relief and some “kneaded” relaxation.

Corporate Massage Kneads Hits The Right Spot!

5 stars!

“This company provides at-work chair massages. My therapist. Dave asked pertinent questions and adjusts as needed through the 30-minute massage.  I try to book 30 minutes whenever he is here. I always feel wonderful and stress-free after a massage!”

Corporate Massage Kneads, the on-site chair massage company in Maryland, offers chair massage to large and small businesses to cover your wellness “kneads.

Please buzz me, Janet Constantino, CEO of Corporate Massage Kneads, @ 410-989-3577. 

Escape. Experience. Enjoy.