Chair massages help with wellness

The workplace can be a hectic environment for anybody, with stress, competition, crazy schedules, and more. A smart company not only looks to reduce the stress on their employees for their workers’ sake but also for the benefit of the company. A workplace wellness...

Chair massage at work IS wellness

The morning light begins to stream in through the windows. Others stir in the house as you wake up slowly to a new, fresh day. You may start your day with a hot cup of coffee, a refresh shower, and clean clothes following the typical morning routine. Since COVID, many...
National Nurses Week with chair massage!

National Nurses Week with chair massage!

Where in the world would we be without nurses? I remember the days of the pandemic when we all watched or sadly witnessed the brave actions and service of these selfless heroes. Requests for chair massage events are steady and growing post-COVID. Nurses are the first...

On-site chair massage + Teacher appreciation!

Teachers continue to educate their students with dedication, long hours, and excellence. Celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week this year with Corporate Massage Kneads! Here is some interesting information about teachers: The average teacher will impact over 3,000...

Eight Easy Wellness Fixes For New Year!

Want to promote a healthy lifestyle in your office for 2024 but don’t know where to start? Healthy eating habits, mobile chair massage, yoga, and stretching all help with wellness! It’s time to draw those valuable employees back into the office! Try some of...