National Nurses Week with chair massage!

National Nurses Week with chair massage!

Where in the world would we be without nurses? I remember the days of the pandemic when we all watched or sadly witnessed the brave actions and service of these selfless heroes. Requests for chair massage events are steady and growing post-COVID. Nurses are the first...

Celebrating 22 years as a licensed chair massage therapist!

Monday morning is sometimes slow to get re-oriented with the pending “To Do” list along with attending to the email inbox. Thus, I was a slow start to the day (with coffee in hand) yesterday as I dug into the inbox to sort through the priorities for the...

Admin Asst Day is a winner with chair massage!

Administrative assistants are integral to any workplace. Formerly referred to as “secretaries,” these unsung heroes can be labeled as executive assistants, merely “admins,” professional administrators, etc. Though they often do not have much-recognized authority,...

Remember the martyrs, thank the veterans.

Veterans Day – it means something different to each of us. Maybe it’s the day your neighbors gather together to make a vet feel special. Maybe it’s an excuse to wear red, white, and blue. Maybe it’s just another day off of work for you. Whatever it’s been to you...

Pay for a mobile chair massage now or later!

I typically read many publications that relate to health and well-being. In a recent article, a woman emphasized her continued quest to find the time for fitness each and every day. It was then noted that her ailing sister told her to seek fitness, proper nutrition,...

Mobile chair massage in Maryland!

    What is the saying? A picture is worth a thousand words? This video of a shoulder, neck, and back massage should “speak” to all office workers! Many office workers enjoy the perks of on-site chair massage on a regular basis. Corporate...