Are your work and home life IN BALANCE? When working in medical sales and always feeling overwhelmed, my former boss used to say “we all have the same time each day and week.” This was just background noise at the time as I was young, energetic,chair massage near me and only had myself to worry about. Since then, times have changed as I now have a family, a small business, and more interest in other activities like tennis, yoga, etc! It seems to be all a balance between working from home vs. the office. Many services including chair massage, acupuncture, online shopping for groceries, and pre-ordered meals can make a difference!


In my weekly pursuit to bring interesting blogs, I found a recent article that caught my interest. It was all about time and money and how people choose to spend both.  We all know how spending money on material items can give us a feeling of satisfaction and short-term happiness with new clothing, household goods, etc.


What about when we spend money on services that allow for more time and possibly productivity? This is altogether a different matter. It seems as though this brings about a higher level of satisfaction with such services as house cleaning, grocery delivery services, etc. It rang true according to this article for people in all different countries and income levels.


When testing the participants of this study, each was given a set amount of money and told to buy any material thing that they desired. Another group was given the same amount and told to pay for a service that would save them time. The results from each study done in the United States, Canada, Denmark, and the Netherlands indicated that people that spent money on saving time reports greater satisfaction at the end of the study.


My question to you is what can you do to save time and buy efficiency? Would housekeeping, dog walkers, or grocery delivery services make a difference in your work week? Would personal services like chair massage, acupuncture, or personal chefs offering ready-made meals make a difference in your work week? I too have tried to challenge myself to a new way of thinking about time and money by asking similar questions. By changing my spending habits for services, I can feel refreshed and ready for other fun activities like fun family time and sports or exercise that help me to be more productive and energized.

Mobile chair massage can be an opportunity to service your “knead” stress relief, relaxation, and wellness. Corporate Massage Kneads has qualified, experienced and compassionate therapists that will help with decreased stress and increased productivity to assist in managing your workload. Chair massage Maryland clients typically comment on how easy it is to schedule their special event! Our therapists are local, on-site, and ready to jump-start your wellness program. Why “knot” try our program to better your time management during your work week?

This new client receiving mobile chair massage in Maryland sent us this new review with time and money well spent. Corporate Massage Kneads would welcome a call to enjoy the same results. 

Very Professional
“Very Professional and I am very happy with the results!  I will be going back at least once a month. Thanks again. “

Corporate Massage Kneads would welcome a call to enjoy the same results. Start your quote here! 

Escape. Experience. Enjoy!