There are many common and widely believed myths about chair massage therapy that need to be debunked. Sometimes associated with negative connotations or viewed as a mere “luxury” with no actual benefits, individuals are missing out on a large number of beneficial results of a great onsite chair massage when they accept these myths as true. 

While massage does relax muscles and feel wonderful, it does so much more than that.

Read on to learn more information here!

Myth 1: Massage therapy is only moving muscles.
While massage does manipulate and loosen muscles, it can also relax areas of tissue connecting muscles, bones, and organs, otherwise known as the fascia. It can also reduce swelling and make movement easier by moving fluids to loosen joints in the body. Massage increases the circulation of blood and repairs muscles within the body and consequently moving nutrients throughout the body and speeding up the healing process.

Myth 2: Massage benefits are merely temporary
Corporate chair massage does ease immediate aches and pains and still offers long-term benefits.  This is especially true for those within an office working long hours.  Yes, muscles do have memory, and just as holding them in an awkward and uncomfortable position can cause long-term pain.  Chair massage offers relaxation due to continued use of the upper back with specific relief of these stressed muscles; the trapezius, rhomboids,  levator scapulae, etc. It also offers reduced muscle inflammation that will leave one feeling more comfortable for days afterward.

Myth 3: Massages are only effective if they’re painful
People often assume that a “good” massage is when the therapist “digs in” to the tense muscles that are the source of stress and discomfort. This should not be the case with ANY onsite chair massage! The professional chair massage therapist should “check in” with the client to inquire about his or her preferred pressure during the mobile chair massage.  Too much “digging in” can sometimes cause even more aggravation and soreness and can ultimately worsen the problem instead of actually relaxing the muscle. While muscle tension does typically need to be worked out (which can sometimes be initially uncomfortable), pain does not necessarily mean that tense muscles are becoming looser through the process of “digging in.”

Myth 4: A massage will make headaches worse.
Massage therapy is actually a very effective complementary treatment for migraines and headaches. By releasing tension in the head and applying pressure to certain trigger points in the neck and shoulders, pain signals are interrupted. Migraine symptoms are believed to be induced by issues in the way that blood vessels function, and when massage reduces tension in these vessels that supply the brain, it creates a relaxed state that can increase blood flow and address the debilitating pain that so many people have experienced (and are experiencing).

Myth 5: Massage will loosen muscles and inhibit exercise.
This is false. While massage will ease tense muscles, massage is actually wonderful for the healing of muscles after working out and can greatly contribute to the muscle recovery that your body needs. If you work your body too strenuously, your body is going to react negatively, which could result in injury or pain. By easing anxiety, and tension, and improving body movement, massage is a very effective way to actually improve your exercise experience.

While there are many myths floating around about massage, many of them are false and unjustified. Check out some of the previous blogs to read up on some of the many benefits of massage and try one for yourself- if it’s your first one, it certainly won’t be your last!

Read testimonials from our loyal clients. They speak to the benefit of having this wellness program on-site at their place of work.

Contact CEO Janet Constantino.  Don’t let the myths stop you from experiencing a relaxing chair massage that will surely leave you rejuvenated and wanting more! 

Escape. Experience. Enjoy.