Chair massage: a mini-vacation

With the holiday ALMOST here, vacation is finally here! Many are thinking of that precious time off known as vacation. Employees in today’s work environment have a challenge not only scheduling their vacation but also unplugging in order to take that...

Overworked muscles “knead” chair massage!

COVID has changed the game in SO MANY ways for the overworked employee. Setting up our home offices can wreak havoc on our overused muscles (while sitting at a desk for 40+ hours per week) and joints negatively affect our life. Chair massage is one answer along with...

Sitting for chair massage vs. at your (at home) desk!

There have been numerous articles written and studies conducted lately that indicate sitting for prolonged periods of time can actually harm the modern American worker. Sitting in this way leads to increased stress on the spine which contributes to increased back...

Mobile chair massage in Maryland!

    What is the saying? A picture is worth a thousand words? This video of a shoulder, neck, and back massage should “speak” to all office workers! Many office workers enjoy the perks of on-site chair massage on a regular basis. Corporate...

Five tips for your workspace which includes mobile chair massage!

A Washington Post article stated “…Work is a marathon, it’s not a sprint. You really have to be there for a long period of time and to do that, you have to take care of yourself.” What are the options for this? Mobile chair massage, yoga, and nutritional...