Wellness at work = onsite chair massage!

mobile chair massage baltimore maryland

Photo by Corinne Kutz

While most can agree that workplace wellness is important in any type of work environment, most are unsure of what “workplace wellness” is and how to achieve that in the office. Below are some wellness suggestions from a very helpful and detailed “101 Ways to Wellness” WELCOA publication that sheds some light on how to efficiently and effectively provide a healthy environment for all employees. Chair massage can always be considered one!

First of all, there are different categories of wellness. Some of them include nutrition and weight management, stress management, family and safety, financial wellness, programming, program promotion, and more.

As a company that seeks to bring relaxation and ease into an otherwise typically stressful environment, this post is going to primarily focus on integrating workplace wellness tips concerning stress management.

First of all, one effective way to manage stress is through the encouragement of time management. Interruptions can often take up to 50% of the average worker’s day, with 80% of these interruptions typically rated by employees as having little to no value. One way to inspire time management is through an office PowerPoint discussing prioritization, the benefits of routine, and more. Bringing in a wellness specialist to host a forum about time management could also be a great option for your office.

Another great way to improve workplace wellness is through the fostering of a family-friendly environment in the workplace. Leisure time today is estimated at around merely 19.5 hours a week, which is often not enough for employees wanting to partake in the lives of their kids, their friends, their parents, and other relationships. Try to ensure that your office offers part-time, flextime, job-sharing, and other options to allow for more leisure time for employees.

Thirdly, make sure that everyone has access to information about mental health, including depression. Close to 10 million American adults have been diagnosed as seriously depressed. However, with effective treatment, most are capable of returning to their normal lives. Providing employees with the proper information can be a great resource for workers suffering from mental illness, like depression, and can make a serious difference in their process of recovery.

Also, another program to offer is onsite chair massage. While less than 10% of employers offer massage, 60% of employees relax with a corporate chair massage when offered at the office. Hosting a monthly massage for employees, either during lunch or throughout the workday, can go a long way in the reduction of stress and the increase in productivity.

Additionally, the support of employees in taking leisure time can significantly deplete stress and can heighten motivation throughout the entire office. In the past 20 years, employees have added an average of over 150 hours to their annual working and commuting time, and with this increase in work, many employees don’t often have a retreat. Creating a “leisure room” for workers to recharge could make a serious difference in office productivity and stress management.

If you are thinking about implementing some of these tips for workplace wellness and stress management, consider calling CEO Janet Constantino at 404-604-3221 and bringing in one of our massage therapists or Special Providers to bring relaxation and information about stress reduction. Check out Massage Kneads at www.CorporateMassageKneads.com we would be thrilled to help you bring wellness into your workplace!

For more information, check out “101 Ways to Wellness,” 2001, A publication of the Wellness Councils of America (www.welcoa.org).

Chair massages help with wellness

chair massages The workplace can be a hectic environment for anybody, with stress, competition, crazy schedules, and more. A smart company not only looks to reduce the stress on their employees for their workers’ sake but also for the benefit of the company. A workplace wellness program with chair massages, like those provided by Corporate Massage Kneads, can make all the difference in the success of a business.

Over 200 scientific studies point to the positive return on investment that wellness programs can provide for organizations, and since most people spend the majority of their waking hours in the workplace, the office must be a place that promotes healthy living habits.

Benefits of workplace wellness programs include weight loss, better physical fitness, better stamina, less stress, a better self-concept or self-image, and more. But more than employee benefits, check out the benefits for the business that provides wellness programs for their workers: better employee recruitment and retention, fewer health care costs, fewer rates of illness and injury, reduced “sick days,” better employee rationale, and increased productivity.

If that is not convincing enough, check out these statistics that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reported in 2002 about work sites with wellness programs: decreased healthcare costs by 22-55%, less short-term sick leave by 6-32%, and increased productivity up to 52%.

Be a place where your employees feel encouraged to be healthy, an office that isn’t merely “work” but is somewhere your workers enjoy attending, and an atmosphere that outsiders would love to join. Take advantage of on-site wellness programs that could make a huge difference, like Corporate Massage Kneads and chair massages!

Corporate Massage Kneads provides onsite chair massage therapy which is ALWAYS well received! We welcome the opportunity to offer mobile chair massage in YOUR office. We are an on-site, fully insured company focused on bringing relaxation and wellness into busy and stressful work environments.

If you are a company with multiple sites in various locations, Corporate Massage Kneads is ready to provide!  We are a “one-stop shop,” and we would love to bring more relaxation while offering chair massages in your office!

Have your HR dept call us today at 1-410-989-3577 or check us out online at www.CorporateMassageKneads.com.

We would love to help you with all of your corporate chair massages “kneads!”


Chair massage at work IS wellness

The morning light begins to stream in through the windows. Others stir in the house as you wake up slowly to a new, fresh day. You may start your day with a hot cup of coffee, a refresh shower, and clean clothes following the typical morning routine. Since COVID, many Americans have made wellness a higher priority which has probably changed the typical morning routine.

Do you “jumpstart” your mornings?

With schools and work schedules starting earlier and earlier, many have to “jumpstart” their mornings. People generally think of morning people as the ones who are just naturally cheery to wake up early and get out of bed with ease. The truth is, these people have a strict schedule which helps them out in the morning. They know what they’re doing and so can you! Quick tips in this blog to help you do the same.

Time management

The first key to becoming someone who works better in the mornings is time management. For many people, if you have to go to work at 7, you’ll wake up at 6. People tend to give themselves an hour time limit to get up, shower, eat breakfast, get dressed and do many other tasks that must be done. These tasks when added together can take much more than an hour for some people, so why are we limiting ourselves and causing a stressful rush out the door? What is your plan to settle into the morning? Could a quick yoga routine or stretching help with your overall wellness throughout the day?  If you knew a 20-minute yoga session in the morning could reduce that mid-day slump, wouldn’t you want to get up just a little bit earlier?

Schedule your morning routine

This is where time management comes in. Allowing for better time management can allow us to time out our tasks and give us a better estimate of the time we need to be allotted to the morning routine. Take a piece of paper and write down approximately how long it takes you to complete each task. Add the total together and then add 20-30 minutes. This extra bit of time can allow you to take a moment to breathe and feel less stressed.  By doing this, you might have figured out that your routine is much longer than an hour. However, you most likely aren’t even including some of the important aspects. Many people forget to include exercise sessions in their morning routine which can lighten the mood when enjoying the outdoors. These are vital sessions because they are uninterrupted and allow you to have your space to yourself. Becoming stress-free right away in the morning has been shown to increase work productivity and help you do your best throughout the day.

Stress reduction

Stress reduction is the overall key to becoming a morning person. Whether it be a jog around town, a 20-minute yoga session, or half an hour on the treadmill. Anything that will help you wind down right away will show a huge domino effect of happiness and energy throughout the workday. There are other ways to stress down which do not include the mornings. Natural stress relievers such as green tea and other healthy foods have shown energy throughout the day.

Another habit to reduce stress in the office is to enjoy a chair massage from Corporate Massage Kneads. It can help muscular tension which causes daily aches and pains. Following a mobile chair massage, many notice a physical and emotional release which allows for a calm state of mind and increases productivity and mental clarity for those last few hours at your desk or to complete another project.

One of our clients has sent us this testimonial about their recent experience mobile chair massage experience with Corporate Massage Kneads. Accessing wellness resources has never been easier, just a click away! 

Highly Recommended! 5 Stars!

“I carry a lot of tension in my back and shoulders and sitting in front of a computer screen all day does not help the situation. In just a short amount of time, Janet can get out all the “kinks.” It does make a world of difference for me. Also, based on what’s bothering me the most at the time of my visit, Janet can customize the therapy for my back, neck, or shoulder issues with the right amount of pressure to alleviate the tension and discomfort. Thanks as always!”

Have your HR department contact us to get your wellness program started! You are one simple call away from escaping stress allowing for better time management!

Escape. Experience. Enjoy.

Spring into wellness! Four tips

Spring into wellness! Four tips



Photo by Brooke Lark

It’s almost the middle of April and spring is finally here! Choose wellness as a goal while the weather is ideal! It’s a great time to implement new wellness habits moving towards summer! It’s always a good time to get back into the routine following winter and the holidays! With this new season, now is the time to enjoy the outdoors and get more exercise. Here are a few ideas to help you stay on track with your weight management as we move towards summer! 

tFour Weight Loss Tips


Remind yourself about staying hydrated throughout the day with water. As a pro tip, water should be measured using half of your body weight, and then converted to ounces. Water is imperative for your body, but it also helps you keep your skin nice and refreshed which helps demolish acne and red patches.


We understand that most people are busy throughout the day and exercise is one more item to complete during the day. Exercise is important if you plan on maintaining a healthy weight. The estimated average for maintaining weight is 15 minutes with a light walk or job daily. This is a small sliver of time that you can spare to give to help keep your goals in check. I find that parking far away in crowded parking lots often helps me to avoid others AND increases my steps for the day. I also typically take steps when walking in large public places. Each little step adds up throughout the day!


Focusing on food consumed during the holidays also helps.  Do you think that sugar may boost your mood? Why not try a hot tea to get you through the mid-afternoon slump? The general rule is to stick to the lean foods that are available. This would include lean meats, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and anything else that can help stimulate your metabolism and keep the weight loss in effect. Remember to keep away from processed items and gravitate to items that are fresh and healthy for you.

Stress! Stress is often associated with weight gain. It is typically a good idea to eliminate as much stress as possible when attempting to lose weight. The easiest way to bring stress relief is to Stretching can bring welcomed stress relief to those aching muscles.  By finding the spots on your body that are giving you the most trouble, you will experience more movement throughout the day.  The experienced and trained chair massage therapists at Corporate Massage Kneads can quickly find the problem areas and release the tension. 

Mobile Chair Massage!

Corporate Massage Kneads is invested in helping you plan and execute your wellness program! 

Read other client testimonials here!

Request your quote today!

Have your HR department contact Corporate Massage Kneads to schedule your next in-office wellness program with a chair massage program! Contact us here!

Escape. Experience. Enjoy.


National Nurses Week with chair massage!

National Nurses Week with chair massage!

Where in the world would we be without nurses? I remember the days of the pandemic when we all watched or sadly witnessed the brave actions and service of these selfless heroes. Requests for chair massage events are steady and growing post-COVID. Nurses are the first layer of the medical team whether in a doctor’s office or hospital.  These compassionate healthcare providers are there with empathy and compassion when we visit the local doctor, hospital, or emergency room. Women and men in this profession have chosen to care for others through the cycle of life: birth, illness, surgeries, and even in the final hours of one’s life in hospice. Nurse Appreciation Week this year is May 6 – 12, 2024. Chair massage is an excellent wellness program to express your gratitude and appreciation to the dedicated nurses in your practice.

Their consistent calm manner, capable ability, and encouragement make them invaluable to any medical facility- large or small, especially when caring for critically sick or dying patients with the COVID-19 virus.

Here are some interesting facts about National Nurses Week. It begins each year on May 6th and ends on May 12th– Florence Nightingale’s birthday. These permanent dates enhance the importance of this special and valued health provider. Since 1896, the nursing profession has been supported and promoted by the American Nurses Association (ANA.)

Here are some interesting facts about the nursing profession:

  • Nurses represent the largest sector of all health professions, with more than 3 million registered nurses (RNs) in the United States.
  • For 11 straight years, nurses have ranked #1 as the most trusted profession.
  • The United States has nearly 400,000 primary care providers. Physicians account for over 275,000 of these providers, nurse practitioners for over 80,000, and physician assistants for approximately 20,000. There are currently almost 154,000 nurse practitioners (NPs) practicing in the United States.

In any case, nurses in all capacities deserve appreciation and a huge “thank you” during the week of May 6th to May 12th. Scheduling a wellness program, where local massage therapists come onsite to care for your trusted nurses, is a great way to show appreciation to this deserving group of employees. This wellness program would demonstrate how grateful you are for their hard and dedicated work day in and day out, year to year. Nurses are rarely recognized, but without them, many medical institutions would not run smoothly and would suffer dramatically.

Show your nurses the appreciation that they deserve!   

Contact Corporate Massage Kneads to schedule a mobile chair massage therapy when the time is right for all to honor these deserving and hard-working employees who need some appreciation!

To read further about the history of National Nurses’ Week, check out this article “http://www.nursingworld.org/NationalNursesWeekHistory-2015”


Steinwald, B. 2009. Primary care professionals: Recent supply trends, projections, and valuation of services. Washington, DC: GAO
S. Department of Health & Human Service. Health Resources and Services Administration. The Registered Nurse Population: Findings from the 2008 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses2008 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses
2008 National Sample Survey of Registered Nurses, Table 3-2
Prybil, “Engaging Nurses in Governing Hospitals and Health Systems,” Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24, January-March, 2009, pp. 5-9.

Celebrate Teachers with chair massage

Celebrate Teachers with chair massage

chair massage, teacher appreciation

Teacher Appreciation Week is UPON us. Many schools are celebrating these heroes May 6th – May 10, 2024. Chair massage is easy to schedule! Book with us TODAY!

What does your school plan to do to celebrate and offer gratitude for these unsung heroes? Corporate Massage Kneads would be honored to offer a mobile chair massage to your teachers this year! Details here about how this wellness program is easy to schedule and organize.

Here’s how Corporate Massage Kneads alleviates the stress of planning for on-site corporate wellness events:

  • One stop. When a company has multiple locations, they often have to deal with a different wellness provider to service each location. Corporate Massage Kneads offers chair massage in the Maryland, DC, and Virginia areas!
  • Full service. Massage Kneads comes to your office. You will never have to worry about any part of your wellness program. We can assist with the scheduling of clients, Liability Releases for employees to sign, etc. We have it covered by professional, licensed, and insured service providers. We take care of every detail of your wellness program so that you can work hard at what you do best, your job!
  • One bill and one point of contact; Janet Constantino, the CEO.
  • There is one central point of contact with our company for multiple services. Corporate Massage Kneads can handle all of your wellness service/s and all invoices for all locations which can be combined into a single invoice.

A client in February emailed us this testimonial! Why “knot” try it?

Active star Active star Active star Active star Active star
“This is my first time using the service. It was worth every penny. I went with the 15-minute session and I was relaxed before time ran out”

Use your precious time to innovate, plan, and execute a fabulous wellness program that pays many dividends back to the employees!

Let Corporate Massage Kneads take care of the wellness needs at all of your company’s locations! Contact us here to start your quote! We love offering mobile chair massages!

Contact us to start your wellness program!

Mobile chair massage is easy to schedule when working with Corporate Massage Kneads!  We are locally owned and operated as a full-service provider of mobile chair massage in Baltimore, Maryland, and beyond. 

Corporate chair massage with Corporate Massage Kneads is a breeze to set up! As your corporate wellness program provider, we will handle all the details to ensure it is easy, affordable, and well-received!

Common requests include Wellness programs, Employee health fairs, Holiday events, and Employee appreciation day.

Onsite chair massage services in the Baltimore, Maryland region are easy to schedule with us!   

Please complete the form and a quotation will be sent back with every detail “kneaded” to book your special event!